What is Transformer :
The Transformer is widely use in power system for generation, transmission & distribution it is also use in small device, industries, hospitals to step down voltage level according to their needs. According to its rating the type and size of transformer is vary. In short Transformer is device which is use to step down and step up voltage level. but, it not change the frequency, and always remember that the Transformer is used in AC system only, it never used in DC system.
Types of Transformer :
basically Transformer classified in two main category according to its function.
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(1) Step up transformer
(2) Step down transformer
Step up transformer :
Definition :
A Transformer which is used to raise voltage (less input voltage and greater output voltage) is called step up transformer.
A Transformer which is used to raise voltage (less input voltage and greater output voltage) is called step up transformer.
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Construction & working :
In this Transformer the primary winding have less turn of thik wire, and secondary winding have large turn of thin wire. Due to that in Secondary (out put side) more amount of flux link with turns of winding and more emf is generate. here more current flow from primary winding and less current flow from secondary winding to maintain equal power in both side of transformer.
Construction & working :
In this Transformer the primary winding have less turn of thik wire, and secondary winding have large turn of thin wire. Due to that in Secondary (out put side) more amount of flux link with turns of winding and more emf is generate. here more current flow from primary winding and less current flow from secondary winding to maintain equal power in both side of transformer.
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Important :
always remember that Transformer not change the power, it just provide adjustment between Voltage and current.
Important :
always remember that Transformer not change the power, it just provide adjustment between Voltage and current.
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Application :
It is use to step up Voltage level of the system, mostly the Transformer which located at generating station is step up type transformer because there is need to step up voltage for transmission to reduce losses .
Application :
It is use to step up Voltage level of the system, mostly the Transformer which located at generating station is step up type transformer because there is need to step up voltage for transmission to reduce losses .
Step down Transformer :
Definition :
A transformer which is used to reduce the voltage (more input voltage and voltless outputage) is called step down Transformer
Definition :
A transformer which is used to reduce the voltage (more input voltage and voltless outputage) is called step down Transformer
Construction & working :
In this Transformer the primary winding have more turn of thin wire, and secondary winding have less turn of thik wire. Due to that in Secondary (out put side) more less amount of flux link with turns of winding and less emf is generate. here less current flow from primary winding and more current flow from secondary winding, to maintain equal power in both side of transformer.
Application :
It is a device which use to step down voltage level. generally it is located near to the distribution substation, because there is need to reduce a voltage level for distribution.
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