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Electrical Machines

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What is mean by electrical machine :

Electrical machine means, a machine which is used in electrical system to generate,
to control, to use a electricity is called electrical machine. These machine is useful to generate & to transmit electricity from one to other place and also use to control electrical parameters.
Generator       :  Generate the electricity
Motor              :   Use electricity
Transformer  :   Control electricity
☞ induction motor visit

Tyape of machine, transformer, Generator, motor

Type of machine :

In electrical system three electrical machine is very important
(1) Transformer
(2) Motor
(3) Generator or Alternator
This machine is divided in two categories which is given below.
(a) Static electrical Machine
(b) daynemic electrical Machine
A machine which have no any rotating parts is called static electrical machine like Transformer. and those machine which have rotating parts is called dynamic electrical machine like Motor, Generator.
 learn type of  transformer visit

What is it's use :

(1) Transformer is a device which is used to convert AC voltage level from one value to other value at same frequency. Generally it is use at power generation station and substation to step up and step down voltage level according to need. transformer works on electromagnetic induction.
☞ knowledge about DC Motor visit

(2) Motor is device which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. It's working principle is "when current caring conductor place in magnetic field it experience a rotating force", It is generally used in industries in different size and ratings according to requirement.
DC motor works visit

(3) Generator is a device which is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. It is generally use at power generating station to generate electricity from mechanical energy.
25 amazing facts about Electrical  visit

More post link :

☞ Home
☞ Transformer
☞ Step down and step up transformer
☞ DC Generator
☞ DC Motor
☞ What is insulation co-ordination ?
☞ Electrical Full forms
☞ Corona update ?
☞ English Sentence formation
☞ What is Facebook ?

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2 تعليقات

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