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➤ Basic Electrical Abbreviations and full form
Short form |
Full form |
A | Ampere |
AAAC | All Aluminum Alloy Conductor |
AAC | All Aluminum Conductor |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACB | Air Circuit Breaker |
ACDB | Alternating Current Distribution Board |
ACSR | Aluminum Conductors Steel Reinforced |
ADC | Analog To Digital Converter |
AFC | Automated Frequency Control |
AFCI | Arc Fault Circuit Interrupted |
AH | Ampere Hour |
AHU | Air Handing Unit |
AIC | Ampere Interrupting Capacity |
AL | Aluminum |
ALCI | Appliance Leakage Current Interrupter |
APFC | Automatic Power Factor Control |
ATS | Automatic Transfer Switch |
BLACM | Brushless AC Motor |
BLDCM | Brushless DC Motor |
C | Capacitor |
CKT | Circuit |
CPT | Control Power Transformer |
CT | Current Transformer |
DAC | Digital To Analog Converter |
DB | Distribution Board |
db | Decible |
DC | Direct Current |
DCDB | Direct Current Distribution Board |
DOLS | Direct On Line Starter |
DP | Double Pole |
DPR | Dividing Pulse Relay |
EC | Electronic Commutator |
EHT | Extra High Tension |
ELCB | Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker |
EST | Extra Super Tension |
F | Fuse |
FBT | Flyback Transformer |
FLA | Full Load Amperes |
FMC | Flexible Metal Conduit |
GDT | Gas Discharge Tube |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupte |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupter |
GIS | Gas Insulated Switchgear |
GND | Ground |
GO | Gang Operated |
HT | High Tension |
HZ | Hertz |
I | Current |
ICDB | Iron Clad Distribution Board |
ICSP | In Circuit Serial Programming |
ICTP | Iron Clad Triple Pole |
IG | Isolated Ground |
IGBT | Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor |
IMC | Intermediate Metal Conduit |
IPMSM | Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
KV | Kilo Volts |
KVA | Kilo Volt Amperes |
Kvar | Kilo Volt Amperes Reactive |
KW | Kilo Watt |
KWH | Kilo Watt Hour |
L | Inductance |
LA | Lightning Arrester |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LDR | Light Dependent Resistor |
LOPT | Line Output Transformer |
LPS | Lightning Protection System |
LRA | Locked Rotor Amperes |
LT | (1) Low Tension (2) Level Transmitter |
LVDT | Linear Variable Differential Transformer |
LSR | Load sharing system |
LV | Low voltage |
LUX | Level of illumination |
MCB | Miniature Circuit Breaker |
MCC | Miniature Circuit Breaker |
MCCB | Moulded Case Circuit Breaker |
MCP | Motor Circuit Protection |
MF | Multiplying Factor |
MISO | Master Input Slave Output |
MOSI | Master Output Slave Input |
MOV | Metal oxide varistor |
MS | Main Switch |
MVA | Mega Volt Amperes |
Mvar | Mega Volt Amperes Reactive |
MW | Megawatt |
MMF | Magneto motive force |
NC | Normally Closed |
NCT | Neutral Current Transformer |
NL | Neutral Link |
NO | Normally Open |
OCTC | On-circuit Tap Changer |
OLTC | On-load Tap Changer |
P | Pole |
PB | Push Button |
PCC | Power Control Centre Panel |
PDP | Power Distribution Panel |
PM | Permanent Magnet |
PMSM | Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
PT | Potential Transformer |
PVC | Poly Vinyl Chloride |
Q | Charge |
R | Resistance |
RCBO | Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection |
RCCB | Residual Current Circuit Breaker |
RCD | Residual Current Device |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RLA | Rated Load Amperes |
RMC | Rigid Metal Conduit |
RMG | Ring Main Gear |
RMU | Ring Main Unit |
RNC | Rigid Non Metallic Conduit |
RPR | Reverse Power Relay |
SB | Switch Board |
SCIM | Squirrel Cage Induction Motor |
SCK | Serial Clock |
SCR | Silicon Controlled Rectifier |
SFU | Switch Fuse Unit |
SP | Single Pole |
SPDT | Single Pole Double Throw |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPMSM | Surface Permanent magnet Synchronous Motor |
SPST | Single Pole Single Throw |
SPT | Stranded Parallel Thermoplastic |
SRM | Switched Reluctance Motor |
SSR | Solid State Relay |
ST | Super Tension |
STR | Statimax Trip Release |
SW | Switch |
SWG | Standard Wire Gauge |
SyRM | Synchronous Reluctance Motor |
TTL | Transistor-Transistor Logic |
TMCB | Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker |
TPDT | Triple Pole Double Throw |
TPIC | Triple Pole Iron Clad |
TPS | Triple Pole Switch |
TPST | Triple Pole Single Throw |
TVS-Diode | Transient Voltage Suppression Diode |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter |
UDS | Uniform Drawing System |
UG | Under Ground |
USART | Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
VA | Volt Ampere |
Var | Volt Ampere Reactive |
VCB | Vacuum Circuit Breaker |
VFDP | Variable Frequency Drive Panel |
VIR | Vulcanized Indian Rubber |
VT | Voltage Transformer |
W | watt |
WRIM | Wound Rotor Induction Motor |
WRSM | Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor |
➤ Control Source Full Forms
CCCS | Current Control Current Source |
CCVS | Current Control Current Source |
VCCS | Voltage Control Current Source |
VCVS | Voltage Control Voltage Source |
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